
About me

Hi, I’m Tracy Tomkins.

I have been a Children’s Entertainer for 20 years and have always been complimented on how I have a natural affinity with children.

I have always prided myself on being a very positive person and I love to see the positive side in everything.  Shall we say, my cup is always half full!

I became qualified as a Reiki Practitioner over 16 years ago and I myself have been a client of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for over 19 years.  I use both of these in my day to day life.

I love the power Reiki has and how it can make me feel so relaxed at just the thought of it.  I have always found EFT so effective on my emotions.

I knew one day I would become an EFT practitioner so that I too can help others get through any emotional situation.  Last year I felt ready.  I knew it was the right time for me to train. I am proud to say I am now an Accredited, Certified  EFT Practitioner with EFT International.

I love to help people so this new path is a perfect transition for me. With all that said, I am now ready to help you and I cannot wait.